What makes you thankful most of the time? When you get all your work done? When a friend sticks by you through a tough time? What about a day when nothing bad happens but nothing especially good happens? Are you thankful that you have the gift of another day, the gift of God’s love, the gift of your health, the gift of a job to even go to, the gift of a home, etc. We choose what to fill our hearts with each day, one day at a time. The problem many times is that our circumstances and relationships determine what fills our hearts instead of our decision. Thankfulness is a consistent attitude of the follower of Christ, not merely something we do when everything works out. St. Paul was full of thanksgiving if he was in prison, in shipwrecks, in abundance or in want. Thus, in our sermon we will attempt to discover some of the reasons he was able to “be content in all things.” Due to technical difficulties, there will be no video of the worship service for 11/21/21. Hopefully, they will be corrected by next Sunday, so check in them. God bless you and have a blessed Thanksgiving. Remember to thank God daily for your blessings. Pastor Bea https://youtu.be/rSPCHb9Qd7M