The mountaintop can change everything. Then again, maybe not. It depends if the message gets heard and remembered. Largely, it's an individual experience, and it can be pivotal. But whatever existed before you went up the mountain will be waiting for you when make the descent.
Moses is invited to the summit and God meets with Moses amid a cloud and as the "glory of the Lord" appeared to the Israelites as a "consuming fire." God's people will be entering the Promised Land soon. God has decided that it's time to get out of the day-to-day in dealing with the care, provision, and guidance of God's people in the desert wilderness. God is ready to pass the reins of leadership fully into Moses' hands.
Moses has been taking orders from God and enduring the abuse from God's people, always stuck between a rock and a hard place. Now Moses will be their leader more directly. But God is like a nervous mom sending the precious child off to college. There are 7 chapters after this passage of God giving details of all kinds, deep in the nitty-gritty. Lists and lists of everything people need to do and when to do it.
Still, when Moses comes down, what does he find? An orgy is in full swing around a new god, the Golden Calf. This isn't going to be easy, Moses.
Jesus' transfiguration event is problematic, too. We really aren't sure what's supposed to be happening here. It's a sign from God about Jesus, and what was likely a very loud message - "Listen to him!" Reflecting the experience of Moses, but more directly placing the special effects around Jesus himself. Jesus came up the mountain with useless disciples left behind, only to re-discover how useless they are once he returns. Has anything changed?
Explore the whole mountaintop experience with the sermon video below, and note the downloads below the video panel.
Moses is invited to the summit and God meets with Moses amid a cloud and as the "glory of the Lord" appeared to the Israelites as a "consuming fire." God's people will be entering the Promised Land soon. God has decided that it's time to get out of the day-to-day in dealing with the care, provision, and guidance of God's people in the desert wilderness. God is ready to pass the reins of leadership fully into Moses' hands.
Moses has been taking orders from God and enduring the abuse from God's people, always stuck between a rock and a hard place. Now Moses will be their leader more directly. But God is like a nervous mom sending the precious child off to college. There are 7 chapters after this passage of God giving details of all kinds, deep in the nitty-gritty. Lists and lists of everything people need to do and when to do it.
Still, when Moses comes down, what does he find? An orgy is in full swing around a new god, the Golden Calf. This isn't going to be easy, Moses.
Jesus' transfiguration event is problematic, too. We really aren't sure what's supposed to be happening here. It's a sign from God about Jesus, and what was likely a very loud message - "Listen to him!" Reflecting the experience of Moses, but more directly placing the special effects around Jesus himself. Jesus came up the mountain with useless disciples left behind, only to re-discover how useless they are once he returns. Has anything changed?
Explore the whole mountaintop experience with the sermon video below, and note the downloads below the video panel.

02-26-17-ff-answers.pdf |

02-26-17-message_on_the_mountaintop.pdf |