Have a plan. Think it through. Maintain control. Until ... it all goes out of control. Now what? People of faith know that God hasn't been absent. Abraham teaches faith when faced with an impossible situation. Jesus teaches faith to his disciples going out in mission.
Space missions are incredibly complex. Despite the best plans by the brightest minds, things go wrong, fast and in a big way. Mission control - pictured - tries its best when the mission goes out of control.
These become lessons of faith for people of faith. Abraham has God's promise of a child. Maidservant Hagar bears him a son when wife Sarah cannot. Problem solved? Then Sarah has a son, and now there are two sons. But only one can be heir according to the rule of PRIMOGENITURE. Now the situation has become an unsolvable mess. God assures Abraham that it will all work out and Abraham once again has faith in the promise of God.
As Jesus prepares to send out his disciples on their first mission trip, he warns them about the problems they will face and the unsolvable choices that will confront tghem. Their faith must lead them.
Let these stories teach you in the sermon video and in the downloads below the video panel.
Space missions are incredibly complex. Despite the best plans by the brightest minds, things go wrong, fast and in a big way. Mission control - pictured - tries its best when the mission goes out of control.
These become lessons of faith for people of faith. Abraham has God's promise of a child. Maidservant Hagar bears him a son when wife Sarah cannot. Problem solved? Then Sarah has a son, and now there are two sons. But only one can be heir according to the rule of PRIMOGENITURE. Now the situation has become an unsolvable mess. God assures Abraham that it will all work out and Abraham once again has faith in the promise of God.
As Jesus prepares to send out his disciples on their first mission trip, he warns them about the problems they will face and the unsolvable choices that will confront tghem. Their faith must lead them.
Let these stories teach you in the sermon video and in the downloads below the video panel.

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06-21-20-mission_out-of-control.pdf |