The events of Passion Week are all about betrayal and blessing. We combine the Palm Sunday reading with a Maundy Thursday reading to see how people and events play out with results that raise some questions for us.
The Jerusalem crowds on Palm Sunday greet the one who came riding on a donkey, like the prophet Zechariah foretold. But they seek a political messiah to liberate then from Roman rule and corruption. They aren't interested in the blessing Jesus brings in seeking to advance the Kingdom of God in the Holy City. They will soon betray him for failing to to do what they seek.
Skipping ahead to the events of Maundy Thursday, we start with Judas arranging his own payoff. We learn why "Iscariot" may have betrayed Jesus.
Then we come to the last supper, a Passover Seder celebration of God's blessings for God's people in the Exodus from Egyptian slavery to God's liberation. Jesus tells his disciples gathered for the Seder that there is one among them who will betray him. They deny it and protest the accusation. But having to plead with Jesus shows that even they wonder, if not about themselves but another in their midst.
Jesus proceeds to take loaf and then cup, sharing them with the disciples. How does this action symbolically impact the goal of his betrayal? Watch the sermon video below and find out.
The Jerusalem crowds on Palm Sunday greet the one who came riding on a donkey, like the prophet Zechariah foretold. But they seek a political messiah to liberate then from Roman rule and corruption. They aren't interested in the blessing Jesus brings in seeking to advance the Kingdom of God in the Holy City. They will soon betray him for failing to to do what they seek.
Skipping ahead to the events of Maundy Thursday, we start with Judas arranging his own payoff. We learn why "Iscariot" may have betrayed Jesus.
Then we come to the last supper, a Passover Seder celebration of God's blessings for God's people in the Exodus from Egyptian slavery to God's liberation. Jesus tells his disciples gathered for the Seder that there is one among them who will betray him. They deny it and protest the accusation. But having to plead with Jesus shows that even they wonder, if not about themselves but another in their midst.
Jesus proceeds to take loaf and then cup, sharing them with the disciples. How does this action symbolically impact the goal of his betrayal? Watch the sermon video below and find out.

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