Radiant face! Dazzling white clothes! Now that's a spiritual makeover. God's presence with Kingdom servants Moses and Jesus is spiritual empowerment and sacred authority. How does your spirit shine? Or are you due for makeover?
Makeover shows shows have been the rage for many years. The producers see something which has declined, gotten worn out, been neglected, whatever, and realize the promise that lies within, waiting to be given the attention needed to make that promise shine.
The radiant promise of God comes upon Moses when he descends the mountaintop from his encounter with God. Glowing like a light bulb, he decides to wear a veil among the people who are struck with fear at his luminous presence. The veil tries to make normal the abnormal, but it seems rather futile - the presence of God abides with Moses regardless. His spiritual makeover is a visible sign of his spiritual empowerment.
We see some of the same elements in the story of Jesus' Transfiguration in Luke 9. Made into a dazzling white by the presence of God, together with Moses and the great prophet Elijah, the spectacle brings fear to the disciples who witness the event.
Peter tries to make things normal, suggesting the provision of three booths. Even Luke adds an editorial note that Peter didn't know what he was saying. But the feeble attempt at normalcy collapses as the cloud comes and the voice speaks.
Get the rest of the story and what it means for us, today's disciples, who perhaps may need a spiritual makeover by viewing the sermon video below.
Makeover shows shows have been the rage for many years. The producers see something which has declined, gotten worn out, been neglected, whatever, and realize the promise that lies within, waiting to be given the attention needed to make that promise shine.
The radiant promise of God comes upon Moses when he descends the mountaintop from his encounter with God. Glowing like a light bulb, he decides to wear a veil among the people who are struck with fear at his luminous presence. The veil tries to make normal the abnormal, but it seems rather futile - the presence of God abides with Moses regardless. His spiritual makeover is a visible sign of his spiritual empowerment.
We see some of the same elements in the story of Jesus' Transfiguration in Luke 9. Made into a dazzling white by the presence of God, together with Moses and the great prophet Elijah, the spectacle brings fear to the disciples who witness the event.
Peter tries to make things normal, suggesting the provision of three booths. Even Luke adds an editorial note that Peter didn't know what he was saying. But the feeble attempt at normalcy collapses as the cloud comes and the voice speaks.
Get the rest of the story and what it means for us, today's disciples, who perhaps may need a spiritual makeover by viewing the sermon video below.

03-03-19-sermon.mp3 |

03-03-19-ff-answers.pdf |

03-03-19-spiritual_makeover.pdf |