Advent is the Spirit stirring in creative power, but we don't know what's coming exactly. It's like a mystery novel that slowly reveals itself as different pieces come together.
Returning to Third Isaiah, we hear familiar words - The Spirit of the Lord is upon me - words that Jesus read from the Torah scroll to announce his own ministry. Isaiah reveals the Spirit's word and work to him.
It is God's plan to establish a new covenant of justice, equity, and peace. God targets the downtrodden, broken, forgotten, and lost for this new life promise. All other nations and peoples will marvel at what God has done, and God's suffering people will find joy once again.
When we look at Mary, set aside those dainty notions of a demure, pliant, meek, uncertain waif. Read the "Magnificat" and you'll find that Mary eventually got it - thanks, Holy Spirit! Mary's song is like a radical call for the overthrow of the social order. What is she, an anarchist? No, she understands the coming of the Promised One in her is about the fulfillment of God's Kingdom longing, a vision of God's dream of justice for God's people.
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