Wisdom is a precious commodity in any age, but its absence in today's complex times may leave us with a particular longing for a healthy dose. What did Solomon know about wisdom? How about Paul? Maybe they can be guides for us, instructive amid good and bad ways of wisdom.
The wisdom of Solomon is popularly regarded as a virtue, but getting into the text in 1 Kings where God grants him his request for wisdom is pretty interesting. A more close examination of Solomon doesn't reveal much in the way of wisdom, but the success of his reign in developing the small nation-state into a wealthy regional powerhouse is clear. Maybe his wisdom was in choosing the right people to run the show. Otherwise, he was a bloodthirsty tyrant, so something is missing from the wisdom equation in his case.
Paul is developing his own operations, sowing the seeds for churches around the eastern Mediterranean. His correspondence gives instruction to the newbies to the faith who are trying to negotiate its ways. His message for the Ephesians addresses sacred wisdom, something different from the Greek philosophical discourse of the day. He urges them into the uncommon and unfamiliar dynamic of being faithful and discovering wisdom.
There is more about wisdom, particularly how it works with people and relationships in the sermon. So check out the video below and note the downloads below the video panel.
The wisdom of Solomon is popularly regarded as a virtue, but getting into the text in 1 Kings where God grants him his request for wisdom is pretty interesting. A more close examination of Solomon doesn't reveal much in the way of wisdom, but the success of his reign in developing the small nation-state into a wealthy regional powerhouse is clear. Maybe his wisdom was in choosing the right people to run the show. Otherwise, he was a bloodthirsty tyrant, so something is missing from the wisdom equation in his case.
Paul is developing his own operations, sowing the seeds for churches around the eastern Mediterranean. His correspondence gives instruction to the newbies to the faith who are trying to negotiate its ways. His message for the Ephesians addresses sacred wisdom, something different from the Greek philosophical discourse of the day. He urges them into the uncommon and unfamiliar dynamic of being faithful and discovering wisdom.
There is more about wisdom, particularly how it works with people and relationships in the sermon. So check out the video below and note the downloads below the video panel.

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08-16-15-true_wisdom_true_humility.pdf |